Tuesday, April 6, 2010


SPINE has been accepted into Triskellion's Dance Comedy Festival. We are looking for some performers for the event. The piece we are performing is four minutes. It will be performed three times throughout the festival. It should be a fun time.

We are looking for:

girl: a little dancing, and lots of laughing and flirtatious running
boy 1: have articulate long arm and hand
boy 2: a little acting and play with yo-yo
boy 3: a little acting, mostly sit and read newspaper

Rehearsals: two a week until the show

Performances (all at 8pm):

Thursday, May 13
Saturday, May 15
Wednesday, May 19


Tuesday, May 11 at 9pm

Description of piece:
Convenience Girl, is a piece based on a video SPINE (http://spineart.com/) created last year (link to rough draft below). The premise: Girl is stuck in a hula hoop while being controlled/seduced by an arm that hands her things sometimes lovingly and sometimes violently (the arm's body is hidden by a white board), simultaneously being seduced by a boy that is dancing with a yo-yo in the background always out of reach, while a girl dances by freely, flirting and whispering in yo-yo boy's ear, and a man watches in chair in the far background. The piece exemplifies our enjoyments of and our struggles with the insidious nature of convenience.

Link to rough draft: click here

Let us know if you are interested (email: kristen.spine@gmail.com), or if know anyone who would be please pass information along to those people.

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