Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paaaaiiint oooooon meeeeeee...(paint on me)....taaaake meeee hoooomee....

I felt the A-ha reference was apropos to this very slick group of work by Alexa Meade. I don't want to paraphrase too much, but I really enjoy and appreciate this kind of art. At first glance, I assumed it was paintings photoshopped into real life situations, but it's real people painted on to appear as if they're in a painting. I've said it before, I'm not art student, but I know neat when I see it.

Check it out.

Here are a couple highlights.

This is the kind of art that makes me more interested in art. It makes me want to see more by Meade and see what else she can come up with. It also helps me to want to stop seeing the box.

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