Monday, November 9, 2009


I finally got to sit down with Rachel Biello and work on sketches this weekend. Oh, how I needed that. I know what Cory was talking about how when she said just getting started makes you want to keep moving. I worked a full day on the yoke of Lexus and then went to Greenpoint for a writing party. If I wasn’t dead tired, I could’ve stayed up yelling out scripts and bouncing ideas off her head until morning. It also helps that she’s good to work stuff through with and she KNOWS HER SHIT. We extrapolated on each idea and came up with at least four or five more new ideas for scripts just bullshitting. I LOVE IT. We have another meeting next Sunday to vomit on some more pages and work out a format. I really don’t want to lose momentum on this. I’m feeling like I’m doing what I came here to do.

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