Massage Therapy is not to be confused with a hot fudge sundae. Massage should not be considered some sort of treat, nor a luxury, only to be received when you feel you deserve it.
EVERYONE needs a massage just as much as they need exercise and a healthy diet. It should be included in a health regime to assist in a well balanced, fulfilling, and happy lifestyle. It's like when you take your car in for maintenance. To ensure it is running efficiently you have to clean the pipes, change the filters, change the oil, and periodically get it smog checked, but don't forget to get it detailed every once and awhile.
The confusion with massage is that people think they are 'indulging' instead of 'healing'. The massage I practice, Thai Yoga Massage, like so many eastern medicines or practices, offers a balancing of the body's energy. Balance is obtainable when treating the whole body, not just one ailment. Bringing the body into a balanced state will allow healing, including more restful sleep, better digestion, ease of anxiety, soothing of bodies aches and pains, and opening of the heart and relaxing the mind.
Of course there is always the question of money. Massage tends to be expensive. One hour of massage may cost you one hundred dollars. This tends to make massage a practice geared to the wealthy. But I believe EVERYONE should get a massage, whether it be Thai Yoga Massage, Deep tissue, or Shiatsu. This is why I offer Thai Yoga Massage by donation, PAY WHAT YOU CAN. I have suggested $65 in the past, but I am truly offering PAY WHAT YOU CAN. Come, get a massage, and drop something in the donation jar at the end of the session based on what you can afford. I am encouraging this with the hope that people who have never had massage before will give it a try, and people who would like to get a massage on a more regular basis can.
I am in the intermediate portion of my studies, and have been learning many new postures and new approaches including lifestyle and nutrition studies. I am excited to share it with you. Please contact me to set up an appointment. We have a lovely air-conditioned studio in Brooklyn. You can find more information about me and my partner, Cory, who is an amazing certified Pilates and yoga teacher at our website, Body Intelligence.